John's maths score was changed from 47% to 57% to allow him to obtain his plumbing apprenticeship.
Darryl and John shared the expenses on testing in South Australia, and on cutting John's first record, In My Room which went on the B side of Sadie
John's 1972 'King of Pop' was presented to him by Liberace
John Lennon was a major influence on John's career.
Dagenham, England where John spent his early childhood years has produced two other pop stars, Brian Poole (Do You Love Me) and Sandie Shaw (Puppet On A String)
John has performed in duets with Tom Jones, Stevie Wonder, Jimmy Barnes, Colleen Hewett, Allison Durbin, Olivia Newton John
John holds the record for the number of shows and the number of patrons in all the Entertainment Centres across Australia and has a room named in his honour in them all.
John and Colleen Hewett once owned a restaurant in Melbourne called Backstage
On the Don Lane Show once, Sammy Davis Jnr. stopped the show to praise John.
John was the first Australian artist to be presented wuth a Platinum disc for record sales.
Rock Me Baby was also recorded by David Cassidy.
Ross Wilson released Touch Of Paradise while with 'Mondo Rock' and re-released it in 2001.
John was awarded with a framed pair of platinum jocks and matching socks by Holeproof Heroes (major sponsor of The Talk Of The Town Tour) Unfortunately someone took a fancy to them and they haven't been seen since.
John's nickname for Richard Marx is 'Skid'
The John Farnham Band were the support act for Stevie Wonders Australian tour in 1981.
John and Ross Fraser have a record company called 'Gotham Records' in Melbourne and have signed such artists as 'Merril Bainbridge', 'Richard Pleasance' and 'The Lovers'.
In October 1995, Joe Cochrane attempted an act of faith, no one had ever achieved before. He stepped out on a tightrope strung above the raging waters of the Yangtse River in China. With no safety net, he took one perilous step after another, while the waters swirled around jagged rocks, hundreds of metres below. It was the longest tightrope walk ever attempted. All he had to protect him was his courage. His faith in himself and a steely determination to reach the other side.
Joe's deed was the inspiration for the cover of John Farnham's single, 'Have A Little Faith'. As written on the back cover of the Jack of Hearts tour itinerary 1998.
When Michael Tierney (Human Nature) was young he thought that John Farnham was really cool. The first record he ever purchased was 'Age Of Reason'. He still thinks that John has a great voice.
John is on Human Nature's album 'Counting Down' singing the duet 'Everytime You Cry' which also appears on John's Anthology 1
The John Farnham band travelled to America to support Olivia Newton-John when she toured the USA in 1999. She named them, The Olivia Newton-John Farnham Band
ARIA have released two top twenty lists for Australia. The first, TOP AUSTRALIAN ALBUMS OF THE NINETIES has John at No.12 with 'CHAIN REACTION' and No.20 with 'ROMEO'S HEART' The second chart is ALL-TIME TOP AUSTRALIAN ALBUMS, which finds John at No.1 (of course) with 'WHISPERING JACK'
The telecast of John's birthday concert on 1st July is rumoured to have cost the Nine Network $500,000.
Fun on the 'I Can't Believe He's 50 Tour.... At the Sydney show, Farnham good-humorously made a crack about backing singer Lindsay Field. In what was to be viewed only by his boss, Field mouthed an obscenity in return. Alas, the camera caught him and the entire 15,000 crowd captured the moment on the giant video screens! SOURCE:Immedia July, 1999
'John Farnham - Live At The Regent Theatre' was the very first concert that featured Supertext (closed captions for the hearing impaired)
In 1998 the people of Australia voted John Farnham AO a 'National Living Treasure'
A John Farnham signed Champagne bottle received a bid of $1800 at a charity auction in Melbourne.
John flew out of East Timor immediately after the 'Tour Of Duty' concert arriving in Melbourne first thing in the morning.
He told the waiting crowd at the airport it was the concert of a lifetime.
4 Chefs' Dinner Melbourne: Celebrity chef and Channel 9 personality Geoff Jansz hosted the fourth annual Four Chefs Dinner on 29 March 1999 at the Grand Hyatt, Melbourne. The event raises funds to help grant the wishes of seriously ill children. It was a major success, raising over $450,000. Guests were delighted by the surprise appearance and a couple of songs from John, who offered a corporate box to his up-coming concert.
The Last Time "Big Top" performances - $1.00 from each ticket purchased was donated to the Australian Red Cross Farmhand Appeal.
The residents of Cohuna raised $25,000 from video & barbeque sales on the day of John's concert. It was matched by a grant of $25,000. The kids of Cohuna now have a $50,000 playground!
In 2006 John was chosen as the 'Goodwill Ambassador' for Dairy Farmers to raise awareness of the plight of Australian Dairy Farmers.
You're The Voice was the first song Coldplay's Chris Martin ever learned to play on the guitar
Ideal Toy Company
Toppa Icecream
Bushells Tea
Coca Cola
BF Goodrich
Australian Tourism